4 reasons why businesses with mobile websites perform better

Bruno Veberis
4 reasons why businesses with mobile websites perform better

Do you use your smartphone to read the news? Shop? Read blogs? Watch videos? Order food? Quickly google things? Work on the go? Most people do - the average person spends over 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphone every day.

For a business, it's no longer enough to just have a desktop website. As every major company has made their services and products available on mobile, people have grown accustomed to having their needs met on the go and at any point in time. More than that, they've grown to expect it.

This isn't just a hot trend. Reliance on mobile devices is set to keep growing, with 72% of worldwide internet users expected to access the web only via their smartphones by 2025. That's 3.7 billion people. And how many will access the internet only through their laptops & computers? 69 million.

You need to be where your customers are. That's the cornerstone of any successful business. If you don't have a mobile website or, worse yet, if you have an unappealing one, then you're losing potential customers.

Here are 4 reasons that should motivate you to put your mobile website in order. Plus, at the end of the article, you'll learn what you need to do as a Mozello user to succeed with your mobile website.

1. Your customers expect it

As mentioned, mobile websites aren't just a hot trend that you can afford to skip. They're a new reality. New mobile functionalities are in constant development and nearly everything that can be done on a laptop can now be done seamlessly on a smartphone.

By 2021, over half of all e-commerce sales are projected to take place on mobile. So having a good mobile website is like having a storefront on your city's busiest shopping street.

3 out of 4 consumers choose to shop via mobile because it saves time.

Plus, browsing around for stuff on various mobile websites has become a common pastime for people, and, more often than not, results in a sale.

People expect to get the products and information they want quickly and easily and if you can't provide it to them, then they'll either go somewhere else or will avoid recommending your brand to others.

2. Google rewards good mobile websites with higher SEO ranks

Since most users now access Google search on their mobile devices, Google rewards mobile-optimized websites with better SEO scores.

In fact, since July 2019, Google has enabled mobile-first indexing for new websites - the primary page Google looks at when calculating its search engine rank is the mobile version.

This means that your mobile version should contain all the same content and SEO optimizations your desktop version does, otherwise you're not taking full advantage of organic traffic possibilities. Plus, it should be optimized to provide a fantastic user experience if you want those top SERP ranks.

3. Mobile users buy more

90% of consumers say mobile shopping experience can be improved. Most people say shopping on the desktop is more convenient. Consumers prefer to use their mobile devices to browse, rather than to shop.

And yet, despite all of this, mobile users buy more. How can that be?

Well, we've already talked about the convenience of it above. Most of us don't carry a laptop in our back pocket, so whenever you need something quickly, your smartphone is the go-to device.

What's more, consumers tend to research products on mobile. Reading reviews, examining products, comparing prices - it's a common thing to do on the go while taking a break in the office, waiting for the bus, or out on a walk.

Whether they complete the purchase on their smartphone or desktop is irrelevant - the key takeaway is that mobile plays a major role in their purchasing decisions. If you're not there for the research process, then you probably won't be there for the purchase.

4. You can reach more people

Beyond growth in smartphone ownership and use, another significant factor that lets you reach more people is social media.

Mobile commerce goes hand in hand with social media. 80% of social media browsing is done via mobile devices and 55% of mobile shoppers said they made a purchase after seeing the product they want on social media.

Given the fast pace of social media, people are more likely to look up and research things immediately on their smartphones rather than make a note and do so on their laptop at a later time, which is why having a mobile website is so important. On top of that, a nice-looking mobile website also makes it more likely that it'll be shared with others on social media in situations when people are looking for recommendations or suggestions.

What does this mean for Mozello users?

Fortunately, all Mozello users already have a mobile website. You're already taking advantage of the benefits listed above! The websites you create with Mozello are fully compatible with mobile devices from the get-go thanks to responsive design.

What's a responsive design? Well, it basically means that the website you create will adapt to the dimensions of any device that your customer uses. So you don't have to put in extra effort to provide a great mobile experience. Here's an example of responsive design in action:

Having a mobile website doesn't cost anything extra and, since you don't have to worry about creating one, you'll have more time on your hands to invest where it really counts, like in growing your business.

Mozello's mobile experience is so smooth, it'll not only benefit your customers but you as well. For instance, it's easy to add new products on the go via your phone. Or you can effortlessly edit texts, change images, and manage existing products whenever you please.

If you're a Mozello client, you're ready for the mobile-first world. If you're not, join now to take advantage of our easy-to-build mobile-compatible websites.